Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mega Man 5 Failure

So 4Matsy from 72dpiarmy posted a link to a Mega Man 5 hack. It was basically a boss rush style Mega Man game. You have to continously go through rooms hitting enemies while every 30 or so levels you would need to battle a boss. It was futile for me to even try this. So in result here is my horrid attempt at trying to not be such a loser at a Mega Man game.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Warsow is a pretty fun Multiplayer FPS

Well I was bored today and decided to play some games with some friends. Warsow is a fast paced first person shooter game. It only has online play so if your the kind of person that likes single player campaigns then this game isn't for you. Warsow is based on an enhanced version of the original Quake II engine. So I guess you could call this Quake 2.5! The most recent version is 0.42. The graphics for this game are kind of like in a vectorized style. There is a wide variety of downloadable content for this game including skins, maps, and different game modes. One thing that I like about this game is the fact that you can wall kick off of things. This is very handy when you are trying to get to an area to run away from danger. If you want to play this game you should click the link above. It's truly a fun game to play with people.